Spruiking under the Stand Fast banner rig at the gates of the Bandian Barracks, Friday 31 October 2010


Media Release 26 November 2010

Veterans and ex service people support Bonhoeffer Peace Collective
and their campaign of military base invasions

Stand Fast , a national association of veterans and ex-service people against the Afghan and Iraq wars, will be speaking out in support of the the Swan Island Nine when members face charges arising from their war resistance at the high security military base at Swan Island , Queenscliff, last June.

from 9 am to 2 pm Monday 29 November 2010
Geelong Magistrates Court
Railway Terrace, Geelong, Victoria

"We of Stand Fast praise the courage and determination of the Swan Island Nine activists whose peaceful resistance at Swan Island bears witness to the government lies and the essential immorality of the war in Afghanistan," said Hamish Chitts, East Timor veteran and spokesperson for Stand Fast .

"The Swan Island base is where SAS and ASIS personnel train in the black arts of assassination," he said. "As the Wikileaks reveal, abduction, torture and murder is how the US and partners have been conducting their war against the people of Afghanistan for the past nine years."

"The leaked war logs show 66,081 non-combatant deaths out of a total of 109,000 fatalities twice as many as admitted by the Pentagon."

"What's more it is a counter insurgency strategy which has failed," he said. "After nine years the war goes from bad to worse.

A recent Pentagon report shows violence at an all-time high with combat incidents up 300 percent since 2007 and 70 percent since last year.

Stand Fast says: Support our troops. Bring them home.

End the lies. End the wars. End the US Alliance.

Further information
Hamish Chitts, founder Stand Fast 0401 586 923
Chip Henriss, Melbourne organiser, Stand Fast 0408 039 711
Graeme Dunstan, Speak Out organiser, Peacebus.com 0403 214 422/0407 951 688


Report of the Victoria Barracks Out 8 November 2010

Report of the Puckapunyal Speak Out 5 November 2010

Report of the Bandiana Speak Out 29 October 2010

Report of the Parliamentry Speak Out 19 October 2010

Report of the Holdsworthy SpeakOut 24 September 2010

Report of the Enogerra Barracks Speak Out 9 September 2010

Report of the Lavarack Barracks Speak Out 13 August 2010

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