Eureka 158 Dawn Vigil

4 to 6 am Monday 3 December 2012
at the Eureka Memorial, Ballarat

This year is the 158th since two British redcoat regiments and mounted officers of the newly formed Victoria Police stormed the crude stockade built by rebels at the Eureka diggings, Ballarat.

At dawn of 3 December rebellion was crushed at the cost of a least 25 diggers and 5 soldiers dead. But victory went to the diggers; the colonial government Charles Hotham was judged to have acted tyrannously. All the demands the diggers for rights, liberties and reforms were won within a year.

This is the oath that was sworn 158 years ago:
"We swear by the Southern Cross to stand truly by each other and fight to defend our rights and liberties."

It ever remains a potent call for solidarity and justice.

Come join the circle of remembrance of the blood sacrifice that won us liberal democracy in this land.

In the pre-dawn by the Memorial and lit by lanterns and a fire, friends and strangers gather silently and respectfully in a circle. A microphone is passed and each present is invited to briefly share what the Eureka story means to their life and their work. (Dress warm and bring a chair if you are frail.)

Dr Joe Toscano of the Anarchist Media Institute guides the process and interweaves contextual stories about how it was for the diggers on that very spot 158 years ago. The stories are broadcast live on Radio 3CR. (No obligation to speak or be broadcast.)

As dawn lightens the sky, Graeme Dunstan of, will burn a cardboard effigy of a public figure noted in this season politics as having diminished, or at least attempted too, our rights and liberties.

See report of Eureka157.

And all this before 6 am! And this just the beginning of a day of story telling and commemorative ritual.

Dr Joe Toscano calls the project "Reclaim the Radical Spirit of Eureka." Be assured that by the end of the day you will have reclaimed a radical spirit. Eureka spirit!

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Download Eureka Annual Dinner flyer.


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