10 Novement 2014

A Letter to the Director General
of the Australian Intelligence Security Organisation

Brigadier General Duncan Lewis AO, DSC, CSC
Director-General ASIO
ASIO Central Office
GPO Box 2176

dear Brigadier Lewis,

Last week I rang seeking a meeting and had a call back from your personal assistant, but no confirmation of an appointment. Here below my business, the fax your reception had requested.

As a long ago Duntroon cadet and a long time peace activist, i understand something of war, honour and service.

For some years now I have been following your career from SASR commander to Director General of ASIO. "Stellar" is the word some use to describe it. "Bellicose" is what i am seeing for it seems that you have become a powerful advocate of endless war.

It makes me wonder what Faustian bargain you have struck.

For example i am deeply concerned about your actions as National Security Advisor to Prime Minister Howard and as such his principle advisor on Australia's engagement in the illegal invasion of Iraq. At best you neglected to act on Office of National Assessments reports from the likes of Andrew Wilkie, another Duntroon lad now Member of Denison, that the intelligence about weapons of mass destruction in Iraq was exaggerated. At worst you were complicit in furthering the rush to war and calamity.

I note that as National Security Advisor to Prime Minister's Rudd and Gillard you had been an advocate of indefinite deployment of a squadron of the Special Air Service Regiment to the ongoing occupation of Afghanistan, "a war with an end and a purpose" which PM Gillard never could, for all your advice, articulate with any conviction.

Given this history of poor advice and futile wars, it alarms me that you have now been appointed Director General of ASIO and given wide-ranging powers to declare events such the operations of the SASR 'security intelligence operations' and have the power to detain and jail anyone who publicly or privately discusses them. The purveyor of war lies becomes master of war censorship.

I am concerned enough as a citizen to be proposing a public campaign to have you sacked and driven from public office as soon as possible.

But first i want a face-to-face meeting, one old Duntroon cadet to another.

I want to listen to you. I want to be convinced of your good character and your loyalties. I want you to show me that you are the man of honour you claim to be.

What is it that you want that drives you to purvey lies, keep secrets, spy and promote endless wars?

Where is your heart?

Graeme Dunstan

0407 951 688


Graeme Dunstan calls for the sacking of the
Australian Federal Police Police Commissioner Mick Keelty
outside the AFP HQ 19 September 2008

For ACT 2 of this drama see Eureka Spirit and the Fires of Dissent

No Refuge in the Regiment
The Special Air Service Regiment as a glorified cult of assassins.
An essay by Graeme Dunstan 11 July 2012

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